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Hitch-Hike Challenge

This summer Indigo presents our first ever fundraising challenge with a hitch-hiking race across Europe to our HQ in Thessaloniki.

AIM OF THE GAME: Hitch-Hike race across Europe to indiGO HQ in Thessaloniki where the finish line lies at the mighty white tower. The team that completes the race in the shortest time is the winner!

DONATIONS: Donations = time credits, and by collecting as many donations as possible, minutes will be taken off your overall finishing time. £1 Donation to your team = 1 time credit (minute of time)

For example, if you finish the race in 10,080 minutes (which is exactly 7 days) and you raise £2000 in donations then your actual finishing time will be 8,080 minutes (10,080 minutes – 2000 time credits). This means that no matter where you are in the race, you still have a chance of winning, as long as you finish the race.

WHEN IS THIS RACE: – We are currently collecting information from interested groups here. Once we have a popular date period agreed we will announce the race dates.

RACE ROUTE: Dover, England – Thessaloniki, Greece

RULES: – You must travel in teams of at least two people. – Your only method of travelling is hitchhiking. – You must travel as far as you can, hopefully reaching the finish line. – You must only hitch-hike during daylight hours. – At least one member of your team must update their instagram story with their race progress at least every 12 hours tagging @indigovolunteers and using the hashtag #IndigoHitchHike. If you miss a progress update then you will be given a time penalty.

If no team manages to make it to the finish line, then total miles travelled will be used in combination with the amount of donation credits that have been achieved. For example, if (TEAM A) has travelled 1,500 miles and has collected 1000 credits, then there final score will be 1,500 (miles) + 1000 (credits) = 2500. If (TEAM B) has travelled 1000 miles and achieved 2000 credits, then (TEAM B) would score of 3000 and be crowned the winners.

KEEP UP WITH THE RACE: Can’t make the challenge? Don’t worry, you can take part by following the teams every step of the way on our website. You’ll be able to make donations to the competing teams, giving them much needed time credits and will be able to keep up with there race progress, through the good, the bad and the terribly lost!

If you’d like to join us on this epic adventure then please contact for further details.

All donations raised will go directing to helping Indigo Volunteers continue it’s fee free volunteer matching service.



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